Opportunities for Bronx Individual Artists, Arts Organizations, and Artist Collectives

The Bronx Council on the Arts (BCA) offers grant funding and program opportunities to support community-centered arts and culture projects and to recognize outstanding local artists.

Applications are accepted from individual artists, artist collectives, and nonprofit arts or community organizations for projects in a wide variety of disciplines, including dance, visual arts & crafts, theater, music, film & video, opera, folk arts, interdisciplinary arts, literary arts, multi-disciplinary art forms, and others.

Emerging and pre-professional artists, women artists, artists of color, artists with disabilities, artists who identify as LGBTQ, and artists from other historically excluded communities and demographics are strongly encouraged to apply.

For more information, please visit www.bronxarts.org/grants, send an email to tracey@bronxarts.org.

The Bronx Dance Fund: Overview

Deadline: November 25, 2024

The Bronx Dance Fund (BDF) seeks to nurture the development of artists and organizations that comprise the field of dance in the Bronx. To achieve this goal, the Bronx Dance Fund (BDF) will support individual Bronx-based dancers, choreographers, and dance companies with grants of up to $7,500 for general operating or project-based support, including capacity building, training, professional development, and/or production. BDF will prioritize talented early career dance artists, and BIPOC led organizations.

Questions? Contact the Bronx Dance Fund at bronxdance@bronxarts.org


The BDF is open to Bronx-based individual dancers, choreographers and unincorporated dance groups (ensembles or collectives) practicing in the field of dance, along with Bronx-based incorporated dance organizations whose annual operating budgets of up to $250,000. Unincorporated groups must have one member apply as an individual applicant; only one member may apply on behalf of the group. Productions must take place in New York City but are not required to take place in the Bronx.

Individual artists or one member of an unincorporated group (ensembles or collectives) must:

  • be residents of Bronx County and
  • be 18 years of age or older.

Incorporated organizations must:

  • be based in the Bronx with a Bronx address,
  • have been incorporated for at least one year,
  • show proof of non-profit status,
  • have an active board of directors, and
  • have an annual budget of $250,000 or less.

Deadline: November 15, 2024

The Bronx Council on the Arts (BCA) is seeking a Bronx-based youth journalist for our Youth Engagement Program (YEP) to write three (3) articles related to the Longwood Art Gallery exhibitions, specific artists and artworks, and/or topical essays. 

Interested writers must submit examples of their work for consideration. The opportunity will require the youth journalist to travel to the gallery prior to, or during the exhibition’s opening night to review the artworks and interview the artists and curators, if available. 

About the Open Call

  • A stipend of $200 per 500-word piece will be provided.
  • The article will be included in the Longwood Art Gallery ISSUU Exhibition Catalogue published on BCA website (bronxarts.org). 
  • Journalists will write one article per exhibition (total of three exhibitions).
  • Both the author and BCA retain reproduction rights to the commissioned text, with credit always given to the author.
  • The application deadline is November 15. 

Application Requirements (to be completed on Submittable.com)

  • ·Your personal information (Name, address, phone number, and email address).
  • Please submit an introductory letter outlining where you heard about this opportunity and your interest in being part of this initiative.
  • Please submit two original art-related writing samples (500 words max each)
  • Please submit a brief bio (250 words max)

Eligibility Requirements:

  • The journalist must be a Bronx resident between the ages of 18-24
  • Student or recent graduate of a journalism, literature, or writing program 

Deadline to Apply: Friday, November 15, 2024

The Bronx Council on the Arts (BCA) Longwood Arts Project seeks a Bronx-based Curatorial Fellow for a unique opportunity to assist with the implementation of the Longwood Art Gallery 2025 series of three exhibitions. The exhibitions will revolve around the theme “The World We Want to Live In” and examine art’s role in social and political movements – not only raising awareness, but also catalyzing public discourse and bringing new audiences into activism. 

The Curatorial Fellowship program is highly competitive, and offers high-quality, real-world experience and mentorship to an emerging arts professional/curator in the visual arts field. This paid, six-month fellowship will allow the Fellow to work closely with inspiring BCA staff and creatives in one of the leading non-profit organizations in NYC.

The Curatorial Fellow will receive a stipend of $3500 for their training and assistance in the exhibitions. The Fellowship will run from January 2025 through the end of June 2025, with a schedule of two days a week for five hours per day.

About the Curatorial Fellowship

The Curatorial Fellow will work closely with the Longwood Arts Project’s Gallery Director to learn the process of curating an exhibition from start to end, and will have a hands-on approach to all the tasks that it entails, from the choice of the theme through the writing of a proposal, the selection of artists and artworks, and the design of the space, as well as administrative functions.


The Curatorial Fellow will:

· Learn best practices in the development of an exhibition 

· Help in the coordination and communication with creatives, vendors, and art organizations

· Join the Gallery Director in artists’ studio visits

· Immerse themselves in the exhibitions’ themes and artworks and educate visitors and art students

· Gain knowledge and engage with the arts and culture environment of the Bronx

· Update and maintain accurate records

· Follow up with artists on loan forms and agreements

· Oversee timely implementation of schedules and deadlines

· Learn about the design of the exhibition’s layout plan 

· Supervise incoming and outgoing artworks

· Oversee installation and de-installation 


Eligibility Requirements

Geographic location

· The Curatorial Fellow must be a Bronx resident and be able to travel to and within the borough


Education and Experience 

• Bachelor’s degree in art, art history, or related field

• Museum or arts organization experience preferred


Skills and Abilities 

• Ability to understand and learn about contemporary art concepts and artworks. 

• Excellent organizational skills. 

• Well-developed written and verbal communication skills. 

• Strong attention to detail and accuracy. 

• Computer proficiency with PC and Microsoft Office Suite, including Excel and PowerPoint.

• Photoshop desirable. 

• Excellent interpersonal skills. Self-directed, ability to anticipate actions needed. Ability to juggle multiple tasks and meet deadlines. 

• Ability to exercise discretion and to be a team player in an active office environment. 

Submission Requirements

You can apply by sending:

• Your personal information (Name, address, phone number, and email address)

· Cover letter noting the reason for your interest in this fellowship

• Two original art related writing samples (500 words max each)

• Your resume (max 1 page)


Please send your application only via Submittable.  

2025 Community Engagement Grants

Deadline: November 8, 2024 at 11:59 PM EST

Since 1982, the Bronx Council on the Arts (BCA) has offered Community Engagement Grants (CEG) to enrich the cultural life of the borough by supporting high-quality community-based arts projects in all disciplines, genres, and styles.

For this grants program, “community” is defined as:

  • A geographic area;
  • A cultural, social, racial, or socio-economic demographic;
  • An artistic community.

The program is for Bronx-based artists who are not applying directly to the supporting and who are also: individual artists, unincorporated artist collectives or ensembles, or nonprofit organizations with an art mission or program. 

We fund projects via three Funds. Our new process allows you to apply for all three Funds at once:

  • Arts Fund (AF), supported by the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs (DCLA).  (AF) grants of up to $5,000 are open to individual artists, unincorporated artist collectives or ensembles, and nonprofit organizations with an annual budget under $100,000.
  • Community Arts (CA), supported by the New York State Council on the Arts (NYSCA) Statewide Community Regrants (SCR) program. CA grants of up to $5,000 are open to individual artists with a fiscal sponsor, unincorporated artist collectives or ensembles with a fiscal sponsor, and nonprofit organizations. 
  • New Work (NW), also supported by the NYSCA SCR program. NW grants of up to $3,000 are open to individual artists who generate new work.

For more information, see complete guidelines here. Guidelines are available in Spanish here

Are you a performer, visual artist, arts critic, arts historian, musician, curator, other artist or arts professional, or arts engaged community leader?

The Bronx Council on the Arts (BCA) seeks artists, arts professionals, and nonprofit and community leaders to serve as panelists for our 2024 and future grant cycles.

BCA offers several grantmaking programs and distributes more than $750,000 of grant funds every to Bronx artists, collectives, and nonprofit organizations. BCA Panelists review and score applications, provide invaluable panelist comments, and recommend recipients for funding. They play a key role in the grants process, and their knowledge and expertise are crucial in shaping the way public arts funds are distributed.

If this is you and you would like to help make a difference in the Bronx, please apply to serve on one of our grants panels!

Potential panelists from all boroughs are welcome to apply, as BCA’s different grant programs require panelists from in and outside of the Bronx. BCA supports panel diversity in all forms: age, race, gender, disability, sexual orientation, artistic discipline, location, etc.

Selected panelists will be contacted when needed. All panelists receive an honorarium. 

For more info on BCA's grants, please visit this link.

Bronx Council on the Arts